With my daughter back at school I was looking forward to getting back into some sort of routine and returning to some creative work, but life always seems to have a habit of throwing a spanner in the works, not only have I tripped and fallen flat on my face this month grazing my painting hand, I've had some teeth fall out and have now managed to hurt my knee, all in separate incidents, I know I am a picture of health! Anyway enough of my ills, on the plus side whilst resting my knee I have managed to finish the rhododendron digital painting which I started in July. This painting came about by chance, again due to our dog really, when we first got our puppy in April I read that rhododendrons were toxic to dogs, I was paranoid that he would eat the flowers when they dropped off as he was like a hoover and devoured just about everything in sight, so I decided to reluctantly cut off all of the magnificent red blooms on my rhododendron bush, I know I'm mad, it felt criminal but I didn't want to chance having a poorly dog. The blooms were so beautiful I felt they deserved to be painted, hence this painting. I have intentionally left the window unfinished, for some reason I liked it better this way, what do you think? I also liked the fact that there is a mixture of abstract in the background with more detailed work in the flowers. I also often find myself seeing random images or faces on things a bit like when you notice images in the clouds, to my surprise there is actually a name for this phenomenon, it's called 'pareidolia' - and it causes people to see patterns such as faces and images in everyday objects. In my painting can anyone spot the unhappy face and a bird or is it just me? Scroll down to see some progression pictures and close ups along with a picture where I've highlighted the face and bird I saw in my painting if anyone's wondering what an earth I'm going on about!